Things that Students Should do Before They Graduate
Here’s the thing that we keep hearing often “ College days are the golden days. That’s when we actually get to live”
And there is some truth to that. One will have the complete freedom to explore their interests and freedom completely without much restrictions.
And teenagers and in early 20s we are full of energy and passive wanting to learn and experience new things both professionally, personally and even romantically. This is what makes those years the golden years.
How you live and evolve here more or less determines the rest of your life. Life teaches some really valuble lessons in these times and it can be hard for a lot of people depending on the circumstances. And maybe that makes it even more memorable. Ultimately, by using virtual assistants effectively, students can graduate with a stronger grasp of their knowledge and be better prepared for the challenges and opportunities.
In those covid 19 pandemic with so many lockdowns and social distancing restraints it’s hard for people to actually be exposed to people with different interests and to be able to explore their passions and desires and goals in a complete way.
This can be upsetting for millions of students all around the world but again, I believe that students now have more free time than ever. This is an opportunity. If anything we just got more freedom. And we should definitely make use of it.
Know What Drives You: Self Awareness
Knowing your self is the first step to living the right way.
People these days are constantly influenced by so many things they see online and in social media. The definition of success is flawed in this world.
So now we all have goals and dreams of sorts. One needs to analyze and understand what actually drives them towards that goal! Is it something they really want or is it something they are doing to impress someone else? Or to be approval from parents and coworkers?
If that’s the case, what do they actually want out of life?
I knew a girl who was an extremely talented artist. Yet she went to get a degree abroad in business. Even though she earns alot of money, she is highly unsatisfied with her life.
It’s not about the money or the degree or the fame. It’s about you. It’s about your feelings. How do you feel when you wake up every single day? Pumped and excited? Then you have already succeeded.
Trying and Experimenting
If you were unable to answer what drives you or what you really want out of life it’s probably because you haven’t experimented much.
In order to decide which is the best tasting food, one need to taste everything that’s on the table to decide. Right?
Make a list of things that you wish to try before you graduate. Swimming, public speaking, sports, robotics, dancing, singing, business, ecommerce, anything and everything.
Experiment with your looks, your clothing, your sleep schedule.. There’s no end to this list. Read loads of books from mentors and learn life lessons and even experiment with that!
Build a Foundation
Once you understand what you love and what you want to pursue for your career, it’s important to build a strong foundation which would pretty much help you for alot of time to come.
For instance, when I knew I loved marketing, I took it as my priority to build a strong resume even before I graduated with multiple internships and some of my own projects that helped me reach places right out of college that only experienced people could reach! Before graduating, students should research and familiarize themselves with basic ERP software functions, as these skills are increasingly sought-after by employers across various industries.
But hey, if you are struggling to find the thing you are really passionate about, here’s the truth. Our interests change with time and sometimes even when we think we are sure this is what we want in life, doubts and dilemmas exist.
My point is, no one is very sure about their interests and passions. Just try to be more self aware and make decisions based on your personal values!
Live in the Present
I have seen kids who burn through their college days doing nothing other than being buried in books and projects in order to advance in their career.
While that’s necessary, one should always have a balance in life. What is the point of doing all that? So you will have a easier life 2 years down the line?
Well guess what? Two years down the line the same person would be working all day to make life more easier for the future them. This cycle never ends. They are driven by fear of failure.
Don’t be that person. While it’s important to have long term goals and be focused, it’s also important to remember that you only live once and in these pandemic times you never know when you will lose it all. Right?
Have a balance. Go on dates. Fall in love. Go on long drives and make beautiful and amazing memories! No ones stopping you from being happy .
I knew a guy who started preparing for GRE and TOEFL in his first year of college. See what i meant?
Build a Good Group of Friends
Even though this article had so many points about building yourself and your career, this is the most important point of all.
No matter what we achieve and who we become, without good friends and people that we love to share our happiness and pain, life is meaningless and dull.
Humans are social beings and we thrive as a community. You could have a successful career but for a successful life one definitely needs people who they can completely trust and rely on!
Getting Used to Rejections
This is something that I failed to do in my university life. Rejections and mishaps are bound to happen to everyone in this world.
But most of us aren’t very comfortable with that. Which makes us stay away from some opportunities that life brings to our table thinking, there’s no way we are going go get that. The honest reason is we just don’t want another rejection. Right?
There’s even a ted talk on 100 days of rejection where a person gets out of his comfort zone everyday and tries things that he normally wouldn’t. Before graduation, consider building your online presence and digital marketing skills to boost your e-commerce sales in the future. The point behind the experiment is that we must be okay with rejection and not be attached to our comfort zones.
Author Bio
Hey there everyone! I’m Rahul. I am working at Galvanize Test prep as a content writer. I love writing and hunting for interesting stories Hope you enjoy reading my articles and learn something new in the process